Vertical vibration motor to use longer, when use must pay attention the following points:1, check the vibration motor transmission's work is reliable.2, check the motor appearance has no cracks, the fastening screws and parts are complete, the fixation is good.In 3, according to the nameplate shows data, such as voltage, power, frequency, coupling, rotating speed and power, comparing the load line.4, check that the vibration motor ventilation and bearing lubrication is normal.5, new or long-term disabling motor should be checked before use, winding and winding insulation resistance against ground. Usually the 500V following the motor insulation resistance meter for 500V; on 500-1000V motor using 1000V insulation resistance meter; the above 1000V motors with 2500V insulation resistance meter. Insulation resistance per kilovolt voltage shall not be less than 1MΩ, and should be in the motor cooling state measurement.In 6, a motor shaft, check whether the free rotation of rotor, rotating when there is no noise.7, check the motor brush assembly and brush lifting mechanism is flexible, brush lifting handle position is correct.8, maintenance of adjustment of excitation block, attention should be paid to its symmetry, so that the vibration block two two relative ends, namely excitation block the line connecting the centers of rotation parallel to and.9, avoid the vibration motor vertical or inclined installation, reduced due to the two ends of the motor shaft bearing vibration block gravity impact damage;